Tuesday, September 1, 2009


I'm still here. Been waiting for the day where I would have motivation to just let my fingers do the typing and not have to think too much about it.

It's been a re-building period over the last month. Going from having my best condition ever at the Ronde de L'Oise and Romsee to not being able to ride for more than an hour without my foot flaring up just goes to show you how much over a roller coaster journey this sport can be. It's not only mentally frustrating but it also mentally fatigues you. Such is life.

The last month has gone well. Since the tour really, I've found a shoe thats not giving me any greif at all which is good and I have also been to see a specialist who said it's not something he's used to seeing. Basically he told me that it's not a physically injury, but a bio-mechanical injury which means it's either a nerve, tendon or tissue flaring up when pressure is applied for extended periods of time.

I have got back into a good routine over the last 3 weeks which has seen me putting in the proper training days, 3, 4, 6 hour rides and I can feel myself getting back on top of it all.

I still have time to get some results which is the main thing. I have 44 days left of the season, starting tomorrow with Geraadsbergen koers followed the next day by Kotemark Koers. Both will be hard, Geraadsbergen with the cobbles and Kortemark with the wind and rain thats forecast but i'm excited to be pinning a number on again as it's been a couple of weeks since I last raced. Actually since the tour mi-aout. so it has been a while.

That could go 1 of 2 ways, it's either going to snap me into condition or i'm going to be fresh and raring to go. Time will tell.

I think nows also a good time to reveal my summer plans. I will be arriving home 16th of October and soon after making the trip down to invercargill for the Tour of Southland. I have linked up with the Share the Road team again this year and my good friend and Lotto-Bodysol team mate, Romain Fondard, will be making the journey down under for the Tour. We are pretty excited to go there this year. I have never gone to the Tour 100% and this year I want to give it a real go as long as i'm not too fatigued from a long european season.

Official team release to come within the next few weeks.

I will be back in Christchurch over the summer too. I thought about Whakatane but the roads just bore me to death now and doing the pre-season block solo isn't too much fun, so i'll head down to chch and prepare for the Nationals which will also be held there.

At this stage i'm looking at coming back over beginning over Febuary for a month long training camp in the south of France before the season proper gets going. I think this will make for a better prepared season. The other big difference next year is instead of trying to be consistant all season, i'm going to have target peaks. So i'll peak for hand full of races in a bid to make the next step in my career. More on that in a later post. Watch this space.

Here is the link to an interview I did for www.roadcycling.co.nz last week.


So from here, the hard work continues and the results will hopefully follow.

Thanks for reading and i'll try and keep you all a bit more in the loop!


The boys with Bernard Hinault at Tour de Bretagne.

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