Saturday, August 16, 2008

Operation find some form!

Since my last update a lot has happened. 4th of August couldn't come fast enough and after 3 rides with a cast and it being all sweaty and yuck (and against doctors orders) i sat down one afternoon and peeled it off a week early! so far so good though.

Once that was off it was back into training i spent the first week in Vlaanderan with Clinton (Bill) and put in some pretty big days which included leaving straight after breaky and getting home when dinner was on the table! After that week we ventured back down to the ardennes where we have spent the last week 're-finding some condition' ready for the end of season objectives, it's probly fair to say that it's the most focused i have ever been for training, everyday was enjoyable at some point though. except for one day where we busted our balls into a headwind, and not just any headwind, for 4 hours. Was rather tired after that!

So tomorrow i leave again for the Vlaanderan region where i will be based for the rest of the season in a hope to hone my time trial for the world champs. I'm trying not to think about anything post worlds just yet but it's hard too when home is only 40 days away!

Training with Bill has defenatly been good though as we both have the same goal in mind so both riding on the same wave length has been super. After this week the condition is coming. I can feel it.

I have my first race back on Tuesday with the professionals, G.P de Zottegem. Bring on the flat roads of flanders again! (and the wind), some would say 'only in Belgium' and most of the time they are probly right!

Back soon with race report.
Hope everyone is doing well!


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