Sunday, May 11, 2008


Thought i would quickly put up a post before i take off for the week.
Well it's been a slightly busy week with lots of stuff going on but not much to report if that makes any sense at all.
Logan came down on Wednesday arvo and training with him has been somewhat tiring 2x3hours and 2x5hours before lining up for a race yesterday. The race was more of a wee blow out than an actual race for me as i only did 80km, but managed 3 prime wins along the way before shutting it down to rest up for some bigger races on Monday and Tuesday.

We have moved into the new house and all is well with that. Now i am taking off to roesalar with Logan till mid-week while Josh is off to Germany to see a friend over there.

The whether has been rather hot everyday getting up around 25-27 degrees. 10 days straight now! By the looks of things rain doesn't even want to come back to belg for a while! So the sun burn and tanning season has begun which is always nice.

The giro d'italia or tour of italy started yesterday so that will be our afternoon entertainment for the next 3 weeks sorted!

Anyway sorry this is so brief but i guess it's better than nothing. Now i must get moving to make the train.

Some photos while out training the other day with Logs.

Thanks for reading, Ryan.

P.s thanks to the person who left the comment on the last post. Gave me a wee chuckle for the day!

1 comment:

The Mouse said...

Hey I'm starving since u moved out! I use to love those little bits of bread and bacon you left on the bench top. Come home soon please. Otherwise I'm coming to track u and your man friend down until I find u and I will piss in your shoes.