Saturday, April 26, 2008

Another week down. It seems the weeks are flying by these days. I have now been here 2 months!! and still i wait to take to the start line of a race. Today is Saturday and i should probly be starting a kermesse around now but that has fallen through again. Will have to try and find a solution for tomorrow. It's a bit crap really. Training is tough at the best of times but it's even harder when you don't even know when your next race will be or you are told you have a race and find out the night before your now not racing. maybe it's time to buy a car.

So after 29 days in a row of riding and more than 3300km i've decided that the bike will stay in the shed today as i've lost motivation to keep training for nothing. I feel like a whole lot of training and conditioning is just being wasted. So instead i will catch up on sleep and watch a movie or 2. Maybe try my hand at catching this mouse. We almost had it last night, nothing like a bit of cheese on the old home made hook.

On the brighter side of things, Bodysol has recieved a wild card into the Tour de Belgique. And as it's the teams national tour, big things will be expected. No word yet as to who is riding but maybe my focus should be on getting a start in this race. It starts in 1 months time.

We also now have a new house. We move in on Friday. It's in a much nicer town, 5km from the farm. It's a 5 bedroom house next door to the team president. 1 other person lives there already so she will be good to practice the french lingo on. Josh and I will also have our own rooms, a dishwasher and everything else a normal house has. It's a real nice house with tiles and carpet instead of wooden floors. It will also be better to have our own service course where we can fix/clean our bikes instead of trying to clean it without a bike stand and hose etc..

I will add some photos from last nights episode of "catching charlie". This episode took place in the bathroom after Josh saw him hide under the washing machine, so like little girls we were standing on the toilet and chair respectively, trying to catch the little fella.

Well thats all for now. It's 1pm and i just had breakfast eeeek.
Hopefully next time in put up a posting it will have something to do with winning a race. No wait lets just begin with getting a start in a race first. frustrating as.

Catch ya

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